It almost sounds like a joke: A bunch of Mexican no-names buy a boat and enlist to take part in the world´s toughest, longest and most prestigious regatta. This is how the amazing story of skipper Ramon Carlin and the crew of his Swan 65, the beautiful SAYULA 2, begins. The 2016 documentary „The Weekend Sailor“ is about to take you on one of the most outstanding, unbelievable and crazy adventures of modern sailboat racing. And it all begins like that old,flat joke: „… this one time, when a Mexican flew to Finland to visit Nautor´s Swan …“

I must admit I didn´t knew about this story. Now, after watching the film and doing some research, I am indeed a bit embarassed. Surely, my fellow British readers will shake their heads now reading this. Most certainly, the name Ramon Carlin may be known to every Mexican schoolchild. If you haven´t – just like me – seen this flick up until now, it is time to do so! You may stream it for free on YouTube or Vimeo.
The story of this very special documentary
The story is very simple – and the „joke“ from above is what really happened back then. Mexican self-made businessman and entrepreneur Ramon Carlin decided to enlist for the inaugural Whitbread round the World Race of 1974. The very first edition. The longest, toughest and hardest crewed sailboat race there is. The one which would later become the Volvo Ocean Race. The thing was, he had barely any sailing experience, let alone anything in serious offshore sailboat racing …

So, he gathered a crew of highly motivated family members, including his son, a nephew and even his wife. But, as it turns out, his fellow Mexican crew members did not have barely, some non, experience in sailing a boat as well. And so he started to hire people, strangers, some just curiously went to his boat to have a look at this strange Mexican guy. Even his sailmaker joined in. A colorful, sympathetic bunch of young talents. Carlin had a sense to find those people. And he had to, because in taking part in the toughest sailboat race around the world he was also taking on tough guys. Names like Eric Taberly or Golden Globe Race veteran Chay Blythe. All of this in a series production glassfiber yacht. Against the most modern, purpose built racing machines of that time. So, this must be a joke, right?
What „The Weekend Sailor“ is really all about
Well, not a joke. What this film is about is not so much the race itself. Yet, of course, the events taking place during their 27.000 nautical mile, are hair raising! There are squalls, heavy storms and even a capsize. Near-death experiences with a Man Overboard and increasing risk of dismasting due to material fatigue. The film also describes the hardship of the race, the tactics and strategic decisions. All this in wonderfully colored pictures and scenes, underlayed with beautiful 70ies music.

But that´s not really what this film is about, I would say. Just the way I began this article with a slightly nose-up joke, the film does the same. The crew of SAYULA 2 explains how they had been met, looked down upon and made fun of by the somewhat snobby, maybe slightly racist but surely superior feeling sailing community. And how confident, straightforward and determined skipper Ramon Carlin managed to sweep this all aside and forge a great crew. Relaxed, treated with respect and love. Yet motivated to reach their limits and go beyond those. A true role model skipper.

In this, the absolutely unthinkable happens. First it slowly starts to be formed as a wish in us, the audience. Then, when they come in second place after the first leg to Cape Town, it begins to take shape. Only to be manifest by hard work, determination, passion and a big portion of luck, in the end, SAYULA 2 and her brave crew indeed do the unthinkable. They win this first Whitbread round the World Race! The underdog „weekend sailors“ from Latin America get to receive the trophy out of the hands of Prince Phillip. It´s a win for camaradery, fellowship, love and determination. It made me cry watching the crew members talk with so much love and affection about their skipper …
This film stands out
A skipper who sadly passed away just after the film had been completed. „The Weekend Sailor“ shows once more that the ocean writes the greatest stories of them all. That adventure is outthere. Just behind the breakwater, an endless world of opportunity and amazing stuff to happen begins. The movie is not a single second boring or dull! The historic (one can rightfully call it that way) film material from the race and aboard SAYULA 2 is just amazing! The choice of music is varied and helps telling the story.

The music … this all gets even better, since no other than Simon LeBon, skilled and passionate sailor himself and of course lead singer of beloved „Duran Duran“, acts as the narrator for this movie. Albeit almost 10 years old now, this was a new for me and as it turned out, once more, the free movie library of YouTube and Vimeo has provided me with 1.5 hours of great entertainment. You should absolutely watch this one as well!
My overall assessment of this movie is 10 out of 10 points
Pictures © from „The Weekend Sailor“
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