After the show is before the show, as the saying goes. It feels like we´ve all just concluded the almost 10-day-craze of Duesseldorf boat show and now we are preparing for the next world´s leading trade fair: This time, it´s the Multihull in La Grande Motte. As every year the who-is-who of the catamaran and trimaran- brands as well as the suppliers will come together in the Camargue to celebrate the first boat show in nice weather (hopefully) of the year. In this, I am also preparing my own attendance.

The legendary Outremer 45

One of the cats I am particularly keen on seeing myself is the all-new Outremer 48, although she will only be presented in 2026, one more year to wait. Nevertheless, word is out and people are talking about her. It´s the Outremer 48. With the big Outremers 52 and 55 already on the market for a few years now, they´ve already won some of the most prestigious yachting awards for multihulls. The new 48 may well be one of the most anticipated in 2026. With a length of 14.63 metres she shares almost the same measurements with her legendary predecessor, the Outremer 45. Albeit being almost half a meter wider. The Outremer 45 is the role model and absolute dream boat for so many catamaran-skippers seeking a fast, light bluewater-catamaran. Will the new 48 be able to live up to such high expectations? Let´s ask the man who constructed the boat …

Asking Outremer 48 designer Mathias Maurios of VPLP Yacht Design

Lars Reisberg | NO FRILLS „Mathias, great talking to you! To start, please describe your professional past in short, how and why you joined VPLP and what´s your current position and tasks within the bureau?“

Mathias Maurios | VPLP: „Hello Lars. I am a naval architect by profession and I joined VPLP Design some 25 years ago. During my career at VPLP, I was mainly working from the Paris office. I have done a number of cruising boats, both for production companies and also one-off projects. Since a few years I am responsible for the yachting division at VPLP and I also became a partner.“

Mathias Maurios, VPLP-designer

Lars Reisberg: „As I understood, Mathias, you are the principal designer for the new Outremer 48? When did the project start? Was there a call for bids and VPLP won or did the shipyard approach you in the first place?“

Mathias Maurios: „Yes, you are right. I am indeed the lead designer for the new Outremer 48. But of course, I have been supported by a team of great architects, designers, engineers and a numerical designer. So, it was a team effort and not my thing alone. For us, the project had started in spring 2024. That was about a year ago. We were approached directly by the shipyard, asking us to design of this new catamaran. You know, we do have a long term relationship with Outremer and in this. We had also designed the Outremer 5X and the mentioned 55 and 52 catamarans as well. So, no call for bids but a well established relationship.“

Ideas, sketches & iterations

Lars Reisberg: „Here´s the central question right away: For many, many sailors the Outremer 45 is a true icon. I know quite some people who say – in view of the new 52 and 55 – that this is the „last true“ Outremer. No offense here! Have you been aware of the „cult status“ of the 45 when you started working on its „replacement“?“

Mathias Maurios: „Oh yes, for sure we have been aware of the “cult status” of the 45! But I can assure you, the new 48 will remain a true Outremer! ​Having said that, Lars, ​I don´t  know for sure if the new 48 ​will be a ​full replacement of the 45. This is a decsion to be made by the shipyard. Maybe they keep it? I don´t know. As for the catamarans: Since we´ve done the Outremer 55 we have constantly worked to improve the quality of life on board. When also „upgrading“ the design we have been extremely careful to ensure that the DNA of an Outremer was not compromised. The optimization of the hull shape, the structure, a controlled weight driven by the shipyard and a fine understanding of the customer´s needs have been key elements to make sure that the recent Outremers remain Outremer. Both in terms of lifestyle and performance, of course. So, I´d say the the new 52 and 55 are for sure true Outremers. And so will the 48 be!“

The first render-drawing

Lars Reisberg: „What was the general design brief by Outremer shipyard given to your team?“

Mathias Maurios: „It was pretty short but also very precise: We had been asked to come up with an entry-boat to the Outremer world. It was to be designed for a very small crew sailing on a large voyage. It was to be more performing, more secure, more comfortable and with more storage than Outremer 45 had available.“

Lars Reisberg: „That said, how much „new 52/55“ is in the new boat and vice versa, how much of the „old 45“ is incorporated into her?“

Mathias Maurios: „What we have done is to keep the general concept of a “simple” and easy to sail voyage catamaran. That´s something the Outremer 45 has done so very well and I am convinced that this fact has contributed so much to her success. However, we have also implemented some of the developments of the 55 and 52. Such as the great  ergonomics of the cockpit for example. Something many owners send us very good feedback about. Also, the – let´s call it – porosity between the interior and the exterior spaces of the new catamarans, is something you will find on the new 48 as well. Comfort underway and the safety at the steering helm, the sails handling layout were huge topics. And last but not least, obviously the new style and design language had been incorporated.“

Surely a high performer!

Lars Reisberg: „Could you name a few, let´s say, your top three, highlights and must-sees aboard the Outremer 48 which are truly something the customers will get excited?“

Mathias Maurios: „Yeah, sure. Most of them I´ve already told you. When you visit the boat, check out the comfortable and safe position with a proper seat at the helm. It´s very nice! Also, the comfort and seating area, we call it the „real estate“, in the cockpit integrating a large L-shaped sofa enhanced by a very large Meridienne on starboard side is a must see. And as I mentioned, I really like the porosity between the interior and the exterior spaces with a large opening in the partition bulkhead.“

Another rocket made in France

Lars Reisberg: „Let´s talk performance: What would you say is the faster, more agile and more fun boat – new 48 or old 45?“

Mathias Maurios: „The Outremer 48 should be slightly more powerful and thus somewhat faster than the 45 without compromising on handling and safety at sea. Since the 55 we have improved a lot in terms of hull shapes and sail plan!“

Thanks so much, Mathias, for this little outlook on the new Outremer 48! For sure a boat I will feature a walkthrough article after the show, maybe, if I´m lucky, also an „under sails“ too? Let´s see. Only sad thing is: We will have to wait for another year.



More Outremer related articles:

Sailing the Outremer 45: What a joy!

The ultimate cruising catamaran? Outremer 52 walkthrough

The hallowed halls of catamaran shipbuilding: Outremer shipyard