Refurbishing a Sailing Yacht Head. Part 2.
Producing Wooden Parts & Varnishing Teak.
Producing Wooden Parts & Varnishing Teak.
De-Rusting the Chain Plates and refit of the Shroud-Stringers
Refurbishing the Standing Rigging
Sealing the Bilge and installing an automatic Bilge-Pump.
Refurbishing the old Head Cabin.
Refurbishing & Painting of the Stowage Covers.
First major Setback in my Refit-Program.
Shiny new White for my Kingscruiser 33
Planning an Electric Refit with Thomas Tschechne, the Yachtdoctor
First thoughts on how I´d like to do chart work on my King´s Cruiser 33
Having finished priming the Gelcoat of my Sailing-Yacht