There she is: Brand new and shiny. The Beneteau First 27 celebrates a roll-out in Slovenia, standing tall and proud on her new trailer, the sun of a clear blue sky reflecting off of her smooth Gelcoat surface. Tomo Novak, head of Seascape in Slovenia, was posting this picture just the other day on facebook. Not my boat, though, but the yacht of a happy Danish owner. I can sense his or her excitement.

Just five minutes later my smartphone vibrates. Tomo via whatsapp. He sends me some more pictures. This time not as shiny and smooth and a clear blue sky is missing as well – but these pictures are far more interesting for me indeed: “Your Baby in the yard …”, he texts. Oh wow, let´s see, the first pictures of my very own boat. Now I am at least as excited as the fellow Danish sailor.
My boat in the yard
Just three pictures have been sent from Slovenia. But like the ultrasound-pictures of my children these are the very first substantial things I can hold in my hands showing that my new boat is taking shape – up until now the only thing I´ve had was a list of options I chose and a print-out of the boat´s specs. Now, here we go …

The current state of building shows the sleep, Sam Manuard-designed, hull, still open without the deck attached. I can clearly see the greenish surface of the bare GRP – as with all First-boats (except for the First 18) made with vacuum infusion production technique. The openings for the two small hull windows are cut out as well and the main bulkhead has been inserted already.

A second picture from a wider angle shows the flipped deck superstructure of my First 27. I can see the opening for the fore cabin and some smaller bulkheadish structures below the cockpit. The guys in the yard clearly have finished GRP-laminating and now the process of fitting of the boat starts: Still lots of steps to do, lots of items to cross off the list. Electric circuits, pumps, the toilet and of course all of the deck gear.
Some time to kill until arrival
It is still some time to go and to wait until my boat will get its picture against a blue sky. Three weeks, maybe four? The trailer is in production and I am gathering first parts of the equipment to be put on the boat. Nevertheless, waiting time and pleasant anticipation is very exciting and now that I´ve seen the first pictures it´s even more enthralling. Well, as the First 24 MADCAP is now ready to sail, I will bridge the waiting time for the bigger sister with sailing-events and sea trials for clients – working on my literally non-existing small-boat sailing skills.

Now, on that rainy, cold Saturday, I am taking out a classy Sci-Fi DVD, put it in the player and kill some time with watching that suspenseful movie. What else would be there to do now? Just waiting and hoping that Tomo sends some more content in the coming days and weeks. What a long way to go – but what an even longer way I´ve still accomplished.
Also interesting to read:
Visiting the Seascape yard in Slovenia
Green boatbuilding: Talking about a sustainable boat
Mini-racing at its best, talking too Lizzy Foreman