At last, it´s vacation time for me! This year, due to the fact that I haven´t got a boat right now, it´s not the classic big summer sailing trip. Sure, I could have chartered a boat somewhere and enjoyed the most beautiful European spots, like Greece, Croatia or the Balearic Islands, but I thought otherwise. Let´s go to the United States! Well, again, unfortunately, not by sailing a boat, that´s a project I still haven´t cancelled, but as usual, by plane. New York City, to be specific.

Discovering New York City´s maritime heritage

Since I will be away for two weeks now, I´ve prepared some very interesting articles in those past weeks leading up to my vacation, such as the most interesting test of the catamaran emergency exit window, the – somehow in Europe underrated but nevertheless very important – article on the upcoming fundamental changes to VHF-communications in the course of VDES or the most interesting visit to SPW of Bremerhaven, Germany´s (and maybe the world´s) leading manufacturer for high-grade boat propellers. Just in case I won´t be able to write much in the coming two weeks, you should have a nice variety of interesting articles by browsing back a bit here no NO FRILLS

Alredy on my list: AMERICA 2

Let´s look ahead: I´m a huge fan (who isn´t?) of the Big Apple and had visited the city in my life before, so there´s already a connection already. Since my girlfriend hasn´t, it´s a first for her. Truly, a heartfelt reunion with NYC for myself: My first ever visit was during the fateful September 11th 2001 with all the horrors witnessed firsthand. I returned for the second time, this time with my best friend in 2007 being happy to see the City healed and vibrant than ever. Last time I came for competing in a bike race, the Gran Fondo New York, in 2012. Now, my fourth time there will hugely be dedicated to the maritime history of New York.

My last time in NYC …

What to do in New York? Well, I plan – apart from the exciting touristic standards and hidden gems – to visit a lot of maritime sights and venues in and around New York sporting the rich maritime history of this wonderful city. In this, I´d love to see the ill-fated “Titanic” Pier 59 for example, will do a sailing trip aboard famous schooner AMERICA 2 or a dash up north to the town of Mystic to board an old American whaling ship CHARLES W. MORGAN.

Mystic Seaport is a must!

I´m a bit sad that the renowned New York Sailing Club refused my inquiry to visit and write about their famous club in Manhattan, but I guess there is lots of other things and places to see. So, if any of you, dearest readers, can suggest a must-see maritime site or occasion to go to in or around New York City – please let me know in the comments, I´d really appreciate it!  In the meantime: America, here we come! Let´s prepare for a set of nice New York and U.S.-dedicated articles.

Pictures NYC by Pixaby and Mystic Seaport Museum


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