Ah, was that a great Sunday morning last weekend, wasn´t it?! I´ve had the Vendeé Glove live stream on my laptop, a glas of hot fresh Cappuccino next to me and a bowl of Muesli to munch on. A cozy, warm blanket over my feet and my son cuddling at my side: We got up pretty late that day, there was just one thing to do: The start of the Vendeé Globe! And boy was that a great experience! Did you watch it too?
Hoiw many time I´ve been myself to Les Sables d´Olonne I don´t know for sure. As Beneteau and Excess Catamarans have their primary port of delivery here, probably a couple of dozen times. It is always a great experience to come here, where the sailing heart of France is beating, probably the sailing heart of the world. Les Sables d´Olonne, home of the Vendeé Globe, along with Lorient with its „La Base“ are the two focal points of Imoca offshore racing. It all comes together in these places.
Goosebump moments
I am so happy that my kids are very interested in sailing. We sat there and enjoyed the show, I certainly much more than them, because in every view over Port Olona suddenly memories got up: „There is the hotel I usually stay!“, I explained my kids, or: „That´s a great restaurant!“ It was almost like I smelled the salty fishy scent again. How many times I´ve steamed along this channel? Again, I don´t know for sure, but I could feel the wind, the shivers, the pleasant anticipation upon entering the mighty Bay of Biscay. Watching the boats gently and slowly gliding out of their berths to go to the starting zone, almost made me shiver.

Leaving the breakwater and lighthouse of Les Sables behind, laying in a course due South-West to Cape Finisterre, something these 40 participants would do now – a feeling I know very well. But unlike myself whos longest sailing trip so far had been from Lisbon to the Canary Islands or from Porto to Ijmuiden, traversing the Biscay from South to North, these guys would now embark on the wildest ride around our globe you could imagine. Some 70 to 100 days of violent highspeed chasing! The calm of the staring procedure and the parade of each boat was such a contrast to the potential that is inherent to every single all of those Imocas almost felt like a work of art.
Going to Les Sables d´Olonne for Vendeé Globe start?
Actually, two weeks ago, I was seriously considering traveling to Les Sables myself to be there in person. Being one of the hundred thousand spectators crowding the harbor, overflowing the breakwater along the channel, even standing on the shores. But I wouldn´t have got access to the pontoon which is otherwise open to the public. I would have paid around 450 to staggering 700 Euros for two nights in a shady 1-star apartment. And the same over priced rates for food and stuff.

I´m so glad I stayed home, cuddling with my kids. Fresh tasty coffee, a warm couch and thanks to the masterful work of the French television, always the best view! I mean, imagine having paid a total of over 1.000 Euros to end up seeing nothing through the misty fog of that starting day? Apart: The TV-show was absolutely worth seeing because the guys introduced every single of those 40 skippers, their backstories, their boats. I´d never had gotten this deep into it being present in les Sables!
The titans of offshore sailing – served along my Muesli
The German live stream was moderated by offshore sailor and professional Tim Kroeger, a guy who I respect very much and had the pleasure to talk to for some articles here in my blog many times. Intimate insights into the pro racing circus, of which he is still an active part, along with a lot of interesting infos by the French television: What could be better?

Of course, the „usual suspects“ like Jeremy Beyou, Charli Dalin or Yannick Bestaven are the focus of the spectacle. As a German, my heart is with Boris Herrman who almost singlehandedly started a sailing frenzy here four years ago. For my kids, this sympathetic guy is a role model sailor and every time SEAEXPLORER was appearing on the screen, my kids cheered and got excited.

But for me, the most interesting part and most emotional aspect of this show haven´t been the favourits and aspirants to win the prestigious Vendeé Globe trophy – it have been the „underdogs“, the second and even third guard of the racing circus. Here, the true heroes and most exciting stories are happening right here, I´d say.
People are so awesome!
For example the literal single handed sailors, Damien Seguin and the Chinese pro skipper, Jingkun Xu. I mean, can you imagine the sheer will power, physical strength and determination you must have to pull a project like this through? To take on a bone crushing hightspeed high-seas experience to master a beat like an Imoca 60 with just one arm or hand?! And how cool of a person you have to be to treat yourself not just „normally“ but with a huge portion of self-mockery:

Seeing Damien Seguin during parade steaming along the channel, standing on the bow of his boat, dressed like a pirate with a stuffed parrot on his shoulder and a literal pirate´s hook where is hand is missing made me cry! I bow down my head so deep to you, Monsieur Seguin and also to you, brave Singkun Xu – you are a great inspiration to all of us! In fact, seeing Shingkun Xu reminded me of the tragic loss of unforgotten Guo Chuan, who went missing at sea during a Trimaran Transpac race in 2013. It is good seeing the two Asian sailors!

Kojiro Shiraishi, who is sailing DMG MORI, beautiful sister ship of my then-favourite CHARAL, earned the applause of my kid as he was bowing, dressed like a Samurai, in front of the Vendeé Globe trophy: Who cannot love Japan? And there are so many heartwarming stories, like the one of wonderful Pip Hare, like the awesome Violette Dorange, the 23 year old. My kid (and me, if I´m honest) fell instantly in love with that young lady: My kids just passed their Optimist certifications, so memories still fresh. And they couldn´t believe their eyes hearing that Violette crossed the busy English Channel in an Optimist! This is true inspiration. Something, only sailing can provide!
The race is on!
I don´t want to „analyse“ the starting phase or the first two days which have now passed since the start on Sunday. The race is on and I guess you guys are in the live tracker´s app as often as I am. Let´s wish these skippers fair winds and following seas, may they have the race of their life and may they all return in 70 to 100 days in good shape and health!

Truly, this is the most spectacular sailing race of our times, sparking so much inspiration and writing stories for books to fill and movies to be made. For us as a sailing family, it has been a great Sunday morning: There could be more of these. But wait, maybe the fact that this is only happening every four years makes it so special, so appreciative? Maybe. And now, let´s check what these guys are up to right now …
More on these fantastic Imocas? Here:
Walkthrough in Sebastian Simon´s GROUPE DUBREUIL. Almost.
CHARAL vs. MALIZIA: In Lorient´s „La Base“
Carbon Fibers don´t like slamming